Volstate runner logistics info

This, and all updates will also be posted on the vacationwithoutacar.com website, please bookmark it If you are registered, you should have also received this note as an email. If not, check your spam folder. This info is coming from Carl Laniak, I’m coordinating this year in Laz’s absence (if you’ve been under a rock for the past 2 months, Laz is trekking across the country on foot). Just a quick introduction about me: I’ve Read more…


the good news is i am getting in solid miles. the bad news is they don’t seem to be getting me closer to my destination. finding paved roads in iowa is no mean feat. fort dodge was 83 miles away when we ran out of road. after nearly 8 miles of detour it is now 81 miles away. that’s a spirit lifter. laz

iowa drivers

july 2 day 54 26 miles total 1,407 setting out in the middle of the night paid off with a sweet 26 miles in 12 hours. i was moving better than that until we hit waterloo and had to make those time-eating route checks on the magic phone. one more pedestrian hating city is in the rear view mirror. along with the usual maze of shoulderless sidewalkless roads and construction zones. should be interesting in Read more…

it’s always something

july 1 day 53 25 miles total 1,381 miles. i began this journey feeling like i understood a lot about journey running. after all. i have been taking vacations on foot for nearly 40 years. i knew there were differences between my previous long trip of 9 days and a transcon. and i am not just talking about the changes in my age and health. there is still a long long way to go but Read more…

flipping the clock

june 30 day 52 24 miles total 1,356 june total 792 miles. really disappointing to miss 800 miles for the month. i think most people would consider 800 to be a decent monthly total, but less than that and you really haven’t done anything. i would have made it, except i have been flipping my days and nights. yesterday i stopped at 1700 instead of 1900 and started back at 0300 instead of 0500. today Read more…

corn sweat

june 29 day 51 22 miles total 1,332 illinois tried to drown me. iowa seems intent on baking me. don’t know what it topped out at but it was over 90 before noon. native iowans introduced me to the concept of corn sweat. if you don’t intuitively know what corn sweat is, go walk in the blazing sun between endless fields of corn some hot summer afternoon. i am going to bed early today so Read more…