moving amish around

06-15 day 37 26 miles  total 967 another glorious day. barry, the mechanical engineer, picked up screws and bolts  (for his just in case jar) randy pulled a kitten out of a motor… and i found a penny. a man on a tractor gave us $4 (because americans are just generous) and i found out how amish craftsmen get to the job site. i am going to have to start forgetting what i already know Read more…

cold water

june 14 day 36 28 miles total 941 i reached the indiana state line and bailed with 10 minutes still on the clock. just lazy, i suppose. ohio was a lot of fun but it is time to move on. i vowed not to write endless transcon reports about pain and injuries. i think it is sort of understood that 941 miles doesn’t pass without some discomfort. but i have to say my little toe Read more…

Things Learned Crewing Laz (by Ron Smith)

A few things I learned while crewing for Laz for 5 days in a row… 1) Have a designated crew vehicle that carries Laz’s pack, cooler and chair. The cooler and chair we’re donated to accompany him on the Lazcon. 2) Set up the vehicle in a safe location, preferably on the left side of the road, in increments of approximately 1.5 -1.75 miles. Possibly closer on really hot/humid days. He carries no food or Read more…

high sand

june 13 day 35 26 miles  total 913 after two consecutive strong days  and a difficult night last night  it was still an hour drive back to my endpoint. with the late start my expectations were low. but my trip thru the former black swamp was fascinating. beautiful farms corn and soybean fields in rich black soil. small villages perched on the high ground formed by the sand “riffles” of the once enormous glacial lake. Read more…