Dorena Landing, MO to Castle Rock, GA


Twice daily tracking will be maintained, and runners wishing to drop will be transported back to their vehicles. Finishers will be shuttled with their vehicles to motels near the finish for a safe sleep before getting behind the wheel. There is no greater freedom than being totally alone on the open road, relying only on your wits, your skill, and your physical ability to cover ground in order to reach the finish line.
Come experience it for yourself.
July 11-21, 2024
Laz's Daily UpdatesFull Tracker

Laz’s updates

vole stare toad race: 236 hour update

jameela struggled at the gate before going around the right side….and then continuing to the right towards the cliffs on the other side of castle rock.carl ran her down and stopped her before she...

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vole stare toad race: 235 hour update

there is no more insane time than the last night of the vol state.we are down to 3 runners now:jameelah mujaahid:after seeing her on the tracker going back and forth trying to find the turn onto...

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vole stare toad race: 228 hour update

all day the runners have been arriving at the many happy facesso many personal victories….so many reasons that people choose to face the vol is impossible not to feel renewed by the...

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vole stare toad race: 216 hour update

24 hours to go.after 9 days on the roadit has come down to this…..24 people have 24 hours to reach the rock.with battered feet and bleary eyes they face one last dawn..this final band of vol...

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vole stare toad race: hour 204 update

i apologize for the lateness of this update.with rain falling at the finish areai chose to leave my electronics safely in the car..we now have 57 finishers in,and 24 runners still on course..with 36...

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vole stare toad race: 192 hour update

the longest day;.48 hours remain for the 37 surviving vol staters to reach the rock.(less by the time this is posted)8 are out on the longest 14 miles.the last two are dancing with oprah back in...

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vole stare toad race: 180 hours update:

vole stare toad race: 180 hours update:.60 hours to go.for us on the rock it is roughly the same length of time as the barkley remaining.this race is not easy for anyone.runners are erxhaustedroad...

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vole stare toad race: 168 hour update

vole stare toad race: 168 hour has been going on for a week now.28 have made it to the rock53 are still on the road..i will be truly surprised if any of them quit.every one of them is...

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vole stare toad race: 156 hour update

19 have finished40 have quit62 vol staters remain on the road after 6.5 days..after nearly a week the weather seems to have broke today.after a blistering hot morningthe afternoon was filled with...

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The Vol-State is not just another ultramarathon. It is much more than that. The Vol-State is a journey, an adventure, and an exploration of inner space. It begins with a ferry ride across the Mississippi River, from Missouri to Kentucky, and finishes at “the Rock,” high atop Sand Mountain in Northwest Georgia. What lies in between are 314 miles of the great unknown. From the time the Vol-Stater steps off the Ferry until they reach the Rock, they are totally reliant upon their own physical and mental resources. For the next four to ten days, in the face of the heat and humidity of July in Tennessee, the Vol-Stater must make their way on foot, along highways and backroads, from one small town to the next, over hills and across rivers, up mountains and down long valleys, all the while accounting for all of their most basic needs; “what will I eat?” “When will I find water?” Where will I sleep?”

Success is not guaranteed. There are no aid stations, teeming with volunteers waiting to tend to your every need and encourage you to continue. There are just miles and miles of empty road. Your friends can follow your progress from afar, but no pacers can carry your burden for you. If you do encounter another runner, theirs is the same desperate plight as your own. You will have doubts. Finishing will often seem an unfathomable dream. Your worst enemy may become the knowledge that an air-conditioned ride to your car at the finish (in the dreaded seat of disgrace”) is but a phone call away.

Many will fail. But, for those who find the steely will and muster the sheer dogged tenacity to overcome the impossible obstacles, and reach the rock on foot, the Vol-State can be a transcendental experience. No words can adequately describe the sense of combined relief and amazement to be experienced at the Rock. No one can explain the regret that this incredible journey has actually come to an end. Former King, Barry Crumrine probably summed up the Vol-State experience as well as it can be put into words;

“I found in myself something that I never knew was there.”