red tractors and green tractors

june 28 day 50 28 miles total 1,310 lots of big landmarks today. i crossed the mississippi. something that leaves me agog. that puts this journey in the realm of things my heroes have done. no matter how slow i am, just to be on the same page as them feels special. i also passed 1300 miles. it doesn’t sound like much but it is really far. still, until you reach 1400 you ain’t done Read more…

authentic cuisine

june 27 day 49 28 miles total 1,282 staying on pavement made a huge difference to my feet. it meant a lot of zigzagging early on but was well worth it. only the uncooperative little toe gave me trouble. and even that only late in the day. i have been falling in love with every one of these little illinois (and now wisconsin) towns i have been traveling thru. all the old downtowns all the Read more…

the great eastern adventure

june 26 day 48 21 miles total 1,254 the great eastern adventure portion of my journey is dwindling away. i am only about 45 miles short of the mississippi river. called it early today after skipping around thunderstorms all day. the rain seemed to be spreading. seemed like a good time to stop, rather than risk destroying another pair of shoes. i have to admit the desire to reach the mississippi has become an obsession. Read more…

Crewing Laz (Lee Hosbrough)

I was terrified of being unprepared and somehow being a detriment to the cause, and really wanted (which I realized later wasn’t quite so necessary) a blow-by-blow of what the heck I’d be doing so….Ok…here’s the not so thumbnail sketch of a day in the life of the crew car. PRE-DAY 1 of your first day of crewing: Sometime the night before you start…you find out where Laz is staying and get the latest plan Read more…