LazCon Miscellaneous Musings
if you haven’t done 700
you haven’t done anything. none the less a little after 0800 eastern time i passed 600 miles. laz
you haven’t done anything. none the less a little after 0800 eastern time i passed 600 miles. laz
june 1 day 23 30 miles total 594 so much to tell but i am late to bed still haven’t seen erie! beginning to doubt it exists. laz
Lessons from Lazcon 1. If you crew for him keep an eye on the sky and be ready with his rain gear. If you can carry in your own pack if you are walking and leap frogging – that would be good. He does not want to be wet. 2. He didn’t eat breakfast at all for the 2 days I was with him. Always keep Dr Pepper, Gatorade (I had orange and he drank Read more…
Carl Laniak wrote: >For some people following the schedule is half the fun. >For others, a schedule ruins the whole thing. >Flexibility can save an otherwise doomed run, but I don’t think laz is in that place. >To each his/her own! actually the schedule provides a point of focus and helps me keep moving when i am tired. right now i am about 3.5 miles from my scheduled location for today, and experiencing a bit Read more…
may 31 day 22 24 miles total 564 i was guilty of dawdling thru buffalo. wanted to savor the moment, and there was a lot to see. it was a special day to reach a place i have worried for a year that i would never reach. i did have some issues with my hip and back during the afternoon that had the day in doubt. but a short rest break with milkshake got me Read more…
sitting in downtown buffalo at the denali monument eating a roast beef sandwich and a chocolate milkshake. honestly did not know if this day would come. laz
I enjoyed the privilege of spending the afternoon & evening this past Friday out on US RTE 20 with Laz & Steve, hosting them & then spending all day Saturday hiking west with Laz. As several people have reached out to me for Lazcon operational details, I’m remiss for having not posted this already. Laz has his journey planned out incredibly well, in both his daily operations and the entire trip. While this is his Read more…
just crossed i-90 trying to smell the lake… hope that is not it. la Admin: maybe it’s the heat, maybe it’s the miles, I’m not quite sure what he’s trying to say!