seed corn

most of the corn i have been passing is feed corn for feeding livestock or making ethanol. today i have seen a lot of seed corn for creating hybrid seeds. two varieties of corn are planted in alternating rows. then when the corn tassels one kind has all the tassels removed by hand. that way the desired hybrid is created. i wonder if i will pass any sweet corn on my journey? laz

knee high by the 4th of july

june 23 day 45 26 miles total 1,180 i was sorry to have missed seeing much of anything in chicago (altho the chicago version of hash browns were fantastic and portillos all it was cracked up to be) but my first day in rural illinois was great. the last of the commuter roads into chicago were pretty empty on an early saturday morning. and soon we were on small country roads and secondary highways moving Read more…

the death of a shoe

june 22 day 44 30 miles total 1,154 started the day in another monsoon downpour. more of the endless chicago traffic and shoulderless roads. let no one claim that i handled it with grace and dignity…. by the time we reached the mosquito haven affectionately referred to as a bike trail i had nearly exhausted my vast storehouse of swear words. one of mike dobies’ famous blue cheese and sausage omelets brightened my outlook. add Read more…

Volstate 2018 Information – you are responsible for knowing this stuff!

Runners, Walkers, Crawlers, Vol Staters! (this note has been sent directly to those who are IN, but is added here so anyone on the wait list can see it) We are under 3 weeks to go until most of you will step off the Ferry and find yourself in a different world. A new and exciting world for some, an old faithful friend for others….but a different world than our normal existence for all. I hope your Read more…

puddle jumpers

june 21 day 43 24 miles  total 1124 i lost a half hour to a little stomach disturbance  another 15 minutes to beginning a rescue mission for my faithful companions walking stick and straw hat. then we walked right into the chicago monsoon. roads were flooded  some closed sidewalks were rivers  and my faithful rain gear finally failed. thanks to faithful crew and companions yesterday’s aimless meanders were not repeated. i should leave chicago behind Read more…