Vol State 2018 – 96 hour update – 1 down, 87 to go, 26 out

It seems like we’ve been out here forever. 4 days is a long time to run. But we’ve only just had our first finisher! In the end, King Grant came solidly under the 4 day mark, with a 3:22:02:59, becoming the 5th fastest performer on this course. He said, somehow, this 4 days felt longer than some 6 and 7 day races he’s done. Something about staying up the entire time, with no nap longer Read more…

Vol State 2018 – 84 hour update – splish, splash

The fourth day began ominously here in Tennessee. Storms were pounding over the front half of the field. The middle and back of the pack were in a steam bath after showers last night. But, as the day wore on, the clouds stayed thick, blocking the sun. The volstate let slip a merciful afternoon for the runners. Grant Maughan charged another 35 miles and despite a few hours of struggle, is smelling the barn. His Read more…

remember i am stupid every day

july 15 day 67 26 miles total 1,754 at the end of every day i am stupid. that needs to be made clear. and today’s total is not 28, or 29, or even 30 only because of that stupidity. time was lost in chunks because i: spilled a bottle of mouthwash into my gear; failed to grasp where the finish was (even after being told 10 times)… i guess the stomach issues were not my Read more…

Vol State 2018 – 72 hour update – this is who i am, this is what i do

With a few exceptions, every volstater is having the following thoughts flow through their mind this morning…. “I need to make miles, I need to eat, I need to sleep, MY FEET HURT, OH GOD, THERE’S THE SUN AGAIN! THIS….IS…..MY LIFE.” Three days. At this point, the road feels like all they’ve ever known. The Ferry ride was eons ago, and The Rock is still light years away. All they have is the comfort of Read more…

Vol State 2018 – 60 hour update – patterns emerge

As the days roll by, and the sun beats down on the volstaters, patterns begin to emerge. Looking at the tracking sheet, we see each runner’s pattern. Do they move well in the daytime, or more at night? Do they stay with other runners in a pair or group, or do they check-in alone? There are natural patterns that emerge due to the nature of the course (locations of hotels have a strong influence on Read more…

i can see into the future

july 14 day 66 25 miles total 1,728 all the motels in randolph were full so we had to go back to laurel (including the detour) time. everything bleeds time. the speed with which i travel seems immutable. it is the amount of time i can get on the road that determines my tally. and it sometimes feels that the world is out to delay me in every possible way. tomorrow was going to be Read more…

Vol State 2018 – 48 hour update – things to mourn, things to celebrate

The second full day on the open road was not kind to our intrepid wanderers. Burned soles (and souls) are threatening to fill up a meat wagon bus to The Rock this morning. Blisters and Pain are the main culprits. Not blisters, actually, but BLISTERS. The volstate blister, left growing too long due to light headed brain fog in the heat, can easily cover the entire ball of the foot. It’s an excruciating experience that Read more…