HOTS update 72 hours

HOTS update… 72 hours . it does what it does and it is what it is . as i sit and watch the totals start to hit the tracker the runners jumping ahead so that i can see what they got in during the night i think about the new Read more…

HOTS update 60 hours

HOTS update 60 hours . slow and fast . the most surprising thing about a race like this is how fast the field moves. bob has been torching the course and has gone all the way thru knoxville and is already at loudon. but bob moves fast. the tail end Read more…

HOTS update 36 hours

HOTS update 36 hours: . halfway thru the second day and things are taking all sorts of twists and turns. there cant be any bigger news than bob hearn’s morristown mistake. 5 miles past morristown it suddenly dawned on him; "oh crap. i was supposed to run the elevated sidewalks!" Read more…

HOTS 24 hour update

HOTS 24 hour update: . now there are 80…. . it is not my place to tell people what they cannot do. if it was i would probably have told the first two drops; "you are in over your head" . this is not an easy game. as the saying Read more…

HOTS update at 9 hours.

this really should be called the update at 5 hours because it has been that long since we saw a runner. the last one was bob hearn, nearing the top of the climb of the mountain on the east side of shady valley. he was being hotly pursued by john Read more…