HOTS update……192 hours

Runners came into kimball all night Piling up at the clarion like derailed train cars. Sunlight brought them back to life and now about 15 of them are shuffling down the road like a zombie parade. Maybe there will be a gap for a real update later… If power lasts. Ice is done. Another step backwards for the mountaintop utopia that is the rock. Plan is to start deportation for the early arrivals when incoming Read more…

HOTS update…. hour 180

short update to save battery. we are pretty well stranded on the rock. hoping for rescue mission if rain does not end by sunday night. food supply very limited. but plenty of water. my feet may rot off in these wet shoes, john price is hanging on by a thread but getting a reprieve for one more check in. lonnie camp expected to call it any time. odie still hanging on. more rain expected. and Read more…

HOTS update…. 168 hours (2)

HOTS update…. 168 hours (2) . this is the time to start taking a different look at the 50 (or so) runners still on the course. for the runners also it is time to start taking a serious look at the challenge in front of them. starting at the back: odie hestnes and john price behind the buzzard. only at niota at check in still a long way from dayton mountain. . they just got Read more…

HOTS update…. 168 hours

HOTS update…. 168 hours . in just a little while we will pass the one week mark. it was a wild night up here on the rock. we actually had an hour or so when the rain stopped took the opportunity to get my car unstuck (carl) and back to the campsite. . it was a must have since a lot of the race supplies are in it. 4 more runners came in (all in Read more…

HOTS update…. 156 hours

HOTS update…. 156 hours . has it only been a week? . so, as we head into the last night of the first week we had a memorable day. . rain, rain, and then more rain. 5 more runners finished, but (unbelievably) no one dropped. . i know we have some in serious difficulty besides the battering of having run a minimum of 215 miles this endless rain is about the most difficult conditions for Read more…

HOTS update hour 144

10 days in june nasty night here on the rock. rained most of the night and the few trips driving in and out are turning the road thru the corn into a quagmire! as you have probably seen 4 runners have finished. apparently everyone behind them stopped in kimball and waited on daybreak… i cant blame them! it was cold and windy just to make the 95% humidity more joyous. i am grateful that the Read more…

HOTS update hour 132

very brief, i have to get back to the rock to catch john clarke’s third place finish. gathering my gear for what could turn into a verrrrrry long stretch. off and on rain all day. some got hit with torrents others danced around it. it was a lot tougher between rains as the sun came out and billows of steam engulfed you (i know, i went out and did my miles today!) it was HOT! Read more…

HOTS update… 120 hours

5 days under their belts. the last 24 hours in periodic thunderstorms. we lost mike delang and diane taylor overnight. 12 and 13. with bob’s finish yesterday afternoon that leaves 68 runners out on the road. john price is now tied with the grim reaper… not a good place to be, the reaper is undefeated so far this year. if he catches you, your days are numbered. the rain is a great ally to the Read more…