144 hr update

144 hr update(4.5) days to go) “I just wanna be done.” For days the only thing to focus onhas been to make miles,to reach the next store…But now what seemed impossible,the finish,just barely comes in to view. Whether it is one day out, or two…when the brain can actually comprehendthe distance to completion,things change.The world shrinks and the only thing remaining is to reach The Rock. Leaving Gadsden at mile 300 marks the entry intothe Read more…

132 hr update

132 hr update(5 days to go) Everyone is more than half way! We did lose two more today,lower extremity issues can be brutal.19 warriors still on the road.Nothing will come easy.The feet are already blistered,the groins raw but coated in enough vaseline for a small army. If you haven’t experienced the agony of restartingafter taking a break during a journey run,The only way to honestly describe itis to say that the pressure you feelis like Read more…

120 hr update

120 hr update(5.5 days to go) For the firs time in the entire race,we have gone 12 hours without a drop. Well, maybe that’s not entirely true.We did have two make the call overnight…But they got some rest and re-considered! The weather is finally exhibiting some mercy.Most of the course has partly cloudy skies todaythat are keeping the high temperatures at or around 90.The northern half of the course(which they will all reach today if Read more…

108 hr update

108 hr update(6 days to go) Something special. Ultrarunners are unique amongst humans.They want to push themselves.They train their bodies and minds to be able to endure.They savor the accomplishment of finishing what they set out to do. HOTS runners are unique amongst ultrarunners.They want a challenge that is undefined.They start by training their bodies and minds,but go further to train their wits and will to be able to endure.They aren’t satisfied unless they are Read more…

96 hr update

96 hr update(6.5 days to go) Digging deep. Over and over,these runners have felt their lower lip quiver.Over and over,they have let the tears flow. and yet, over and over,they have taken another step. Well past 100 (or 200!) miles,everyone is hurt.After 4 days on the road,there is not a place left on their body that is comfortable. They are at rock bottom. But when you are at rock bottom,there is good news. It is Read more…

84 hr update

84 hr update(a week to go) Apologies for the short update, the long meatwagon drive meant I couldn’t visit with any of the runners still on the course. The beatings will continue until morale improves. Journey racing in the summertime can be a merciless pursuit.Runner after runner has cried uncle.The HOTS has truly lived up to its name.Heat indices have hit or topped 100°on each of the first 4 days. These sustained high temperatures,coupled with Read more…

72 hr update

72 hr update(7.5 days to go) No (wo)man’s land. When all is said and done,when the blisters have healed,when the nightmares about getting up to move have abated.When they’ve come back from being so deep within themselves on the open road… The HOTS runners will think backto the turning point of the journey. Many of them will think back to the start of day 4.Their bodies and minds are desperate.The finish (heck, even Montgomery!) are Read more…

60 hr update

(8 days to go) Beat the Heat. “We’re gonna try to BEAT THE HEAT.”“Ummm, I don’t think that means….what you think it means.” Two runners were commiserating early this morning.One was pretty sure he was gonna make the call for a ride (DROP)The other was looking for a way to keep going despite the difficulty. (CONTINUE) DROP:“I don’t see how I’m gonna make this work.It’s too hot in the day to move, but we need Read more…