Vol State 2018 – Update 0 – exactly what they came here for

115 volstaters answered the call from the landing in Dorena this morning at 0741. 113 of them even managed to get to The Ferry in time for the official start. The morning tractor trailer traffic between Hickman, KY and Union CIty, TN is not singing their praises right now….but the runners are off. Most of them still on course record pace. In a few minutes, the leaders will reach a huge milestone….less than 300 miles Read more…

Vol State 2018 – Update 00 – just getting to the start can be an ultra

It took us 10 hours and 15 minutes to drive the vol state course today. The screwed runners meet at the finish line, leave their cars, and we load into buses and vans for the long haul across the state to Union City and The Last Supper. We stop for a couple pee breaks, and lunch catered at The Bench of Despair. 300 miles is just a really, really long way… “Ditch” as we’re calling Read more…

loess hillbilly

july 11 day 63 31 miles (in honor of the vol staters) total 1,655 respect the hills of west iowa. having moved past glacier-dozed central iowa i found some sweet hills in the west finishing with the windblown loess hills. loess is a fine silty soil and very rich. where it blew in from no one seems to know. so why not blame canada? after all it is their granite stones i saw cluttering up Read more…

Vol State 2018 – Update 000 – how do they know?

Isn’t it amazing, the crops and the creatures seem to “just know” when the time is right to start their next task. Things start slowly at first… The butterflies all migrate within days of each other….in a given area the cherry blossoms might all bloom on the same day! From the outside looking in, it’s a wonder that these happenings seem so coordinated. Well, to most people in rural Tennessee, along the vol state course, Read more…