LazCon Miscellaneous Musings
700 miles
doesn’t sound like much but it is actually pretty far…. but really, if you haven’t done 800 you haven’t done anything. guess i’ll start working on that. laz
doesn’t sound like much but it is actually pretty far…. but really, if you haven’t done 800 you haven’t done anything. guess i’ll start working on that. laz
june 5 day 27 26 miles total 698 crossing the ohio border this morning was a huge landmark. i am no longer in a place with a direct connection to the atlantic. unfortunately, the ohio line also marks the end of the concept of road shoulders. in town i had Read more…
at 07:16 this morning i entered the great midwest, by stepping across the state line into ohio. now it feels like i have put the atlantic behind me. laz
june 4 day 26 25 miles total 672 stomach issues led to a late start and disappointing mileage. but i had a wonderful day otherwise. tom and luke got me safely through the day of perfect weather. no heat no rain! good night all laz
june 3 day 25 26 miles total 647 for once i had exactly as far to go as my stupid plan said. on top of that, i got a fast start. bud sterner came from nowhere to be a fantastic crew. i was on top of the world when i Read more…
slap slap slap slap slowly the world is emerging from its cloak of darkness dimly i see the road ahead all is silence around me the only sound my steady footfalls on the pavement slap slap slap slap then the birds begin to sing over my shoulder i can see Read more…
june 2 day 24 27 miles total 621 at least i have 1000 of something! i spent my day almost pleasantly (ok, mostly pleasantly) walking thru the most amazing vineyards i have ever seen. mile after mile of grapevines stretching from erie (of which i finally got a glimpse) to Read more…