vole stare toad race: 60 hour update

vole stare toad race: 60 hour update.after 2 and a half days on the road,the vole stare toad race has become many different races..at the front we have chris varnadoe against addison hendricks.these guys are now in the final stages,making the last push to the rock..chris built a huge lead between 12 and 36 hours,at one point 31 miles ahead of second.addison has been aggressively trying to reduce that lead for the last day,but as Read more…

Adjusting expectations

Adjusting expectations:When runners come to the vol state,they usually come with expectations.The vast majority of them find that those expectationsare optimistic!days 2 and 3 are when these expectations are either: No one ever got to The Rock and regretted adjusting expectations and finishing what they came to do.20 years later, I still kick myself for dropping from my first attempt.I came in thinking worst case scenario I’d cover 60 miles a day….on the third morning Read more…

48 hr update

while you slept the survivors fought on.two days in they are facing their bitterest challenge…..not the heat, not the distance,not blisters, not chafing,not the sun, not sleep deprivation….the toughest opponent is their own mind..at this point in the raceyour relationship with your own mind is your only hope.you have passed all the parameters where your physical systems tell you that it is time to stop.you have done more than your body was built to withstand.dogs Read more…

36 hour upate

today the vol state flexed its muscles.with heat indexes of 105-110 degreesand a sun like a convection ovenyesterday’s “cool” temperatures were a distant memory….survival became the top priority for many of the first time vol staters,and a lot of low totals were turned in this last 12 hours..some of those represent runners who decided to hole up somewhere until tonightand switch from running days to running nights.others represent runners who were brought to their knees Read more…

vole stare toad race: 24 hours update

the first day is in the bank.and if the romance isnt gone completelythere is definitely some scuffing on that shiny finish..the first rays of sunshine reveal a very different vol state field.bleary eyes and aching feet.those who took refuge in a motel are wondering;“can i possibly run all day again?”those who slept alongside the road are wondering;“where am i and what am i doing here?”.and those who went all night are wondering;“where can i sleep?”.the Read more…

vole state toad race: 12 hours update

so how do i possibly capture the initial 12 hours of this insane event?.the first thing i have to say;after 44 years the vol state is not a tradition.it is an institution..when we came off the ferry this morning there was a vehicle with blue lights at the end of the ferry road.it picked up the leaders heading out the narrow highway to union cityand led them through the countryside.this was not planned.it just happened.10 Read more…

pre vol state

after all the months of waitingthe start of the vol state is only hours away.124 runners lie in their beds.some sleep soundly.others toss and turnor stare into the darkness. what awaits them?no one really knows.the road stretches out from the ferrylike a great black serpent.holding its secretsfor the road warriors to discover. some are grizzled veteranswith many skins on their wall.some are here for redemption.the vol state beat them beforebut did not vanquish their spiritnor Read more…

Beware – SCAM Vol State Facebook

it is time for the fake websites, fake livestreams, and bogus facebook groups to start ripping off the unwary vol state enthusiasts…..www.vacationwithoutacar.com and this facebook group are the only real coverage on the web.be smart!!! ================================= added by Mike: The authentic Vol State Facebook will have 7400+ members and have posts by Laz and Carl. It will not have links to fake livestream aimed at getting your credit card number. It will not have pictures Read more…