slap slap slap slap

slowly the world is emerging from its cloak of darkness
dimly i see the road ahead
all is silence around me
the only sound my steady footfalls on the pavement

slap slap slap slap

then the birds begin to sing
over my shoulder i can see the first brushstrokes of pink
tinting clouds low on the horizon

around me silent figures are emerging from the dark
trees and houses
and crops in the field

slap slap slap slap

my legs move machine like
not fast
not hurried
just steady

slap slap slap slap

i do not feel like a machine
there is a dull ache in my back
my sore hip creaks thru the cycle
my feet reflect the abuse of millions of steps
hundreds of miles

slap slap slap slap

machine thoughts are for the young
with spring in their step
and fire in their eye

youth has has abandoned my limbs
but i am not yet ready
to release it from my heart
and so i walk into another day

slap slap slap slap

who knows what is waiting there?
