july 31
day 83
25 miles (maybe 27)
total 2,160

there is not time to describe the incredible day.
constant wildlife:
speed goats (pronghorn), elk, mule deer…wyomians.
lots of practice climbing steep hills at elevation
i am getting stronger and acclimating
surviving lots of gravel not the cruel sioux quartzite variety
spectacular scenery
amy and adam… so cool and informative.
804 miles for july
(could have been so much more with normal weather)
day originally measured at 27,
but might have been 25 (dammit)

and tomorrow’s route totally uncertain.
planned route full of big truck traffic and no shoulder.
not a lot of options in wyoming…

but lazcon WILL move on somehow.

time to study some maps.


Categories: LazCon Daily Posts