august 18
day 101
26 miles 
total 2,663

same old same old.
hour drive in means an hour drive out.
valuable time slipping away 
while i am trying desperately to reach newport before september 14.
and time is distance.

none the less the morning started well.
i was moving right along when i found my crew vehicle sitting on the side of the road….
transmission dead.

this is the lazcon after all.

lucky for me cristy had come to see us off, and instead got to ferry the crew around to get a truck and hauler and get my crew vehicle loaded for the long ride home.

every time they passed i got a cold drink.

then cristy was drafted as crew for the rest of the day.
once again a road angel appeared just when needed most.

unfortunately i could not produce the afternoon everyone deserved.
for a second day my legs just would not generate anything more than a slow death march.

i hung in long enough to squeeze out a minimum distance,
but the hard push across wyoming has really taken something out of me.
the thought of another 600 miles of desert is almost overwhelming.

trying to get in bed early and catch a little extra sleep.
maybe that will bring some new life.

with only 700 miles to go
i only need to find a few good days to get this thing within reach.
it is just so hard 
i am so bone tired…

and so many things hurt.

i just don’t know if it is in me.



Sent from my magic  phone 

Categories: LazCon Daily Posts