day 35
26 miles
total 913
after two consecutive strong days
and a difficult night last night
it was still an hour drive back to my endpoint.
with the late start my expectations were low.
but my trip thru the former black swamp was fascinating.
beautiful farms
corn and soybean fields in rich black soil.
small villages perched on the high ground formed by the sand “riffles” of the once enormous glacial lake.
add in randy troyer and stimulating conversation about pipelines, utilities, and city government.
it was a pleasant day, regardless of being physically a little down.
the result was a solid 26 miles
and hope for reaching the turn tomorrow
instead of the next day!
i did pass 900 miles.
it doesn’t sound like much
but it is really far.
of course,
if you haven’t done 1,000
you haven’t done anything.
i lose ron, and his rolling palace in the morning.
they will be sorely missed.
but the unknown future is calling.
how far can i get?
where will i sleep?
what will i see and learn?
who will i meet?
i am eager to find out what fresh surprises tomorrow will bring.