june 25
day 47
27 miles
total 1,233

this was a really challenging day.
there was a lot of sand and gravel.

the gravel road was the worst.
hard packed dirt
with loose gravels scattered across it
mixed with stretches of plain old gravel.
at this point the soles of my feet just feel bruised.
so every pointy rock that landed in the sole of one was a fresh insult.
i whined shamelessly during the interminable stretch of gravel
then sat down and wept when it was finally over.

no one was more surprised than me
when i got back up
and finished the day strong.
but after that gravel
pavement felt like walking on air.

besides, western illinois is beautiful
with rolling hills
and endless expanses of corn and beans
punctuated by fabulous farmhouses and magnificent barns.
after all the challenges of the day
i still made it to freeport by stopping time.


Categories: LazCon Daily Posts