august 5
day 88
27 miles 
total 2,291

nothing drives home the sheer foolishness of this enterprise like walking 100 miles of empty desert between cities. i really am the dumbest old man in america.
my new “cause” for the walk;
i just went out to buy some chocolate milk, and have been trying to find my way home ever since.

the thing is, i reached moneta today.
i am in the beginning of the striped hills.
red, green, gray, brown; it is a shame the colours will be muted by the smoke, but it is still already spectacular….

and then there are the rock formations.
unbelievable sculptures, castles, chimneys, and indescribable fantastic shapes and figures.
i can’t believe how lucky i am to pass thru this area very slowly, mouth agape.

i only worry about how much phone battery i am gonna burn up taking pictures…
and how i can possibly make good time passing thru such splendor.

i made some time today.
even after an hour drive to the start.
i hammered out the fastest day since my last day in iowa.
no distractions;
first i couldn’t see for the smoke 
then i couldn’t see for the thunderstorms!
it seemed like i was ducking rain all day, and i got rained on several times.
but nothing serious enough to force me off the road.

still a 40 minuets drive to my room.
so i need to make the transition fast.
not that any other day is different.



Categories: LazCon Daily Posts