august 17
day 100
26 miles 
total 2,637

after a day that started out with the excitement of running down the 100 marathon split in the cool morning,
the reality of the idaho desert made itself known.

the rapid progress of the morning gave way to a depressing slog in the afternoon.
i have to admit i struggled today.
actually i was surprised to reach the home stretch in reach of my goal for the day….

and then, out of nowhere, the brutally blue sky began to spawn ominous dark clouds.

this is the desert, right?
it NEVER rains, right?

are you kidding?
this is the lazcon.
“filling reservoirs across america “
i was ducking thunderstorms the rest of the day.
in one sense it was a successful finish.
i neither got soaked in one of the downpours (and there were some frog stranglers)
nor struck by lightning.
(altho there were some wind gusts that almost knocked me down)

honestly, falling 2 miles short of my goal was like a win.
and parched idaho now has standing water.
(you’re welcome)


Sent from my magic  phone 

Categories: LazCon Daily Posts