5 days update

vole stare toad race5 days update.well, the womens race ended much like the mens…after abby mccarthy had taken the lead two days agoand appeared to have the race in hand at 300 miles….she collapsed after crossing the blue bridge.she lay there on the ground until the next runners caught up Read more…

4.5 day update

vole stare toad race4.5 day update.yes, it is late.at 4.5 days we were up on the rock taking the time of third place peter strickland..and i will have to hurry this along,as we had 3 runners pick up trackers within 15 minutes.that probably means more runnersfor whom after 4 and Read more…

4 day update part 2

vol stare toad race4 day update part 2.i need to hustle up to the rock.john is within 5 miles of the finish!(moving approximately 1 mph up sand mt).peter strickland has staged a comebackand actually passed steve troxel!.they are both on the climb up monteagle mt.(probably wont finish until after midnight).abby Read more…

4 days

vol stare toad race4 days update part 1.i told you it was going to be a wild nightand i told you timing on sleep breaks would be importantif not decisive….at the time of the last check in john had a 6 mile lead.and he was starting a short sleep break.that Read more…