vole stare toad race: hour 96 update
yes, i am 5 hours late starting this.
there are still 85 runners on the road,
and it is becoming increasingly more important to sleep when i can.
at some point we go to the rock to take a finish…
and never get to come back!
carl has just left to pick up 6 more who have fallen along the way.
for some of the ones back there fighting oprah
the constant clicking of those stiletto heels has become too much to bear.
the vol state is too hard
with the constant pressure to keep moving…
barely staying alive is so hard.
on top of another day of blistering heat
the pain and the fatigue…
this is such a hard game to play.
holes keep appearing in their ranks
but the long ragged line trudges on.
i look at the names on the tracker
and find myself pulling for them.
many of them i never met before last wednesday.
but i have seen them move up and down the list.
lived second hand the terrible struggles of these past 4 days.
i KNOW the challenge they face.
how easy it would be to quit.
their heart and courage is mutely displayed
in a row of numbers.
i join them in their prayer
to just survive another day.
and so day 5 has begun.

Categories: Vols2024