vole stare toad race 72 hour update:
the 4th sunrise was not beautiful to the bleary eyed vol staters.
the sky was almost cloudless,
and the first rays of the sun striking their bodies triggered ptsd without the p.
it cant be “post” until it is over
today it is rtsd
repeated traumatic stress disorder
today is going to be blistering hot.
the white line is no longer a marking on the road
it is a way of life.
you follow it.
that is what you do.
you dont think about a finish
you just try to keep moving.
pain is no longer something that indicates an affliction.
it is the only way you know you are alive.
the life you lived before is only a memory.
your problems have become so simple now….
when will i find something to refill my water bottles.
what will i eat?
where will i pee?
are my feet going to fall off.
god, please make my feet fall off.
adventure is only glamorous and exciting in the movies.
this is not a movie.
it is reality.
stark, ugly, reality.
24 of the original 121 have quit.
2 more have failed to make the turn in lexington
and are going to be picked up.
oprah never falters.
more will fall today in the blazing sun….
today will be the hottest day yet.
heat indexes have climbed over 110 already this week,
today they are talking about a base temperature over 100.
maybe today we can shoot for that 120 heat index.
you havent lived until you have been outside all day in 120 degree heat.
the good news for the runners who will be on the course all week is the thursday forecast.
the heat is supposed to break in only 5 more days.
chris made it up monteagle mountain last night.
his magnificent run at the record has ended,
and he is still 35 miles from the finish, approaching tracy city
but he is logging a magnificent performance.
we expect him to reach the rock late this afternoon.
addison reached whispering oaks (244 miles) by morning.
he gave up the chase sometime last night,
but still has a good shot at breaking 4 days….
unfortunately he will be crossing the scorching valley of death between hillsboro and pelham during the worst of the afternoon heat.
that flat and shadeless stretch strikes fear in the hearts of all who have experienced it on a day like today.
the monster climb up monteagle mountain that follows is a shady picnic by comparison.
if he can reach the mountain as some semblance of a living being
he has a good chance at breaking 4 days.
shawna was sleeping in shelbyville (223) when the sun came up.
matthew has emerged from the chase pack
and only 12 miles behind in wheel has the best chance to make a run at her in third place.
will (briggs) and stephen (redfern) are just coming out of lewisburg.
a long thin line of runners traces all the way back to lexington,
where 5 people are within a mile of oprah.
they are contending with the loud clicking of oprah’s stilletto heels on the road behind them.
the sound echoing like something out of a horror movie.
relentlessly pursuing
allowing no respite….
to retreat from the cruel sun is to end your race.
you would think that nothing could sound more appealing than getting out of this living hell
that still promises to run for another full week.
but that is not how the mind of the vol stater works.
they came here to reach the rock.

Categories: Vols2024