24 hours to go.
after 9 days on the road
it has come down to this….
24 people have 24 hours to reach the rock.
with battered feet and bleary eyes they face one last dawn.
this final band of vol staters;
spread out from sand mountain to tracy city;
they trudge onward.
they have been winnowed down by the constant struggle to stay ahead of oprah.
only the toughest remain.
the ones starting the hardest 14 miles this morning are in excellent position to finish.
they have more than enough time.
the ones just coming out of tracy city have a long day ahead of them.
they cannot falter.
no more making up for lost time tomorrow.
the clock is relentless
and if you miss the cutoff…
even if you are in sight of the finish,
you will not be a finisher.
game on.

Categories: Vols2024