132 hr update(5 days to go) Everyone is more than half way! We did lose two more today,lower extremity issues can be brutal.19 warriors still on the road.Nothing will come easy.The feet are already...
Fig, North Carolina to Castle Rock, Georgia
347 Miles
The runners will assemble on Wednesday morning (Jun 15), park their vehicles in a hayfield atop Sand Mountain in North Georgia, and board tour buses. The only thing they will know about their destination is that it will be between 300 and 350 miles away. Once they arrive, they will be able to access maps of the course they will take to get them back to their vehicles. After an overnight stay in a hotel, the field will be bused to the start the following morning. From there, with only the supplies they can carry or obtain along the way, they have 10.5 days to get back.
Twice daily tracking will be maintained, and runners wishing to drop will be transported back to their vehicles. Finishers will be shuttled with their vehicles to motels near the finish for a safe sleep before getting behind the wheel. There is no greater freedom than being totally alone on the open road, relying only on your wits, your skill, and your physical ability to cover ground in order to reach the finish line.
Come experience it for yourself.
June 15 – June 24, 2023
HOTS 2023. It was a festive group of 82!

Laz’s updates
132 hr update
120 hr update
120 hr update(5.5 days to go) For the firs time in the entire race,we have gone 12 hours without a drop. Well, maybe that’s not entirely true.We did have two make the call overnight…But they...
108 hr update
108 hr update(6 days to go) Something special. Ultrarunners are unique amongst humans.They want to push themselves.They train their bodies and minds to be able to endure.They savor the...
96 hr update
96 hr update(6.5 days to go) Digging deep. Over and over,these runners have felt their lower lip quiver.Over and over,they have let the tears flow. and yet, over and over,they have taken another...
84 hr update
84 hr update(a week to go) Apologies for the short update, the long meatwagon drive meant I couldn’t visit with any of the runners still on the course. The beatings will continue until morale...
72 hr update
72 hr update(7.5 days to go) No (wo)man’s land. When all is said and done,when the blisters have healed,when the nightmares about getting up to move have abated.When they’ve come back...
60 hr update
(8 days to go) Beat the Heat. “We’re gonna try to BEAT THE HEAT.”“Ummm, I don’t think that means….what you think it means.” Two runners were commiserating early...
48 hr update
(8.5 days to go) Sometimes it gets worse before it gets better. After a day of high consequence,the HOTS field is reeling. The sparse services and higher than usual temperaturesconspired to send a...
36 hr update
High Consequence. One of the fundamental tenets of the HOTS is that you alone are responsible for yourself. That doesn’t mean you can’t accept help, from either road angels, or your...