Lessons from Lazcon
1. If you crew for him keep an eye on the sky and be ready with his rain gear. If you can carry in your own pack if you are walking and leap frogging – that would be good. He does not want to be wet.
2. He didn’t eat breakfast at all for the 2 days I was with him. Always keep Dr Pepper, Gatorade (I had orange and he drank that) and water. He also loves whole chocolate milk – this is widely posted) and loves a good milkshake.
3. park you car on the side of the street that he is walking on and close to where he can get at it. He will keep moving if he can’t get within 5-6 steps of it.
4. Do not leave any liquids (open or closed) near his pack.
5. He likes food that is fast and doesn’t interrupt his timelines. He will sit to eat the odd time and will let you know when that’s his wish. He loves meat. Meat sandwiches, meat pizza. Anything with meat. “No cucumber and no sweet potatoes”
6. If he decides to sit down (his back and hip give him some issues) he will sit until he is damn good and ready to move.
7. Don’t bother offering anti inflammatories – he only believes in the hard stuff. ?
8. Ask lots of questions – he has information on everything. I learned about his interest in Tomonymy, architecture and his footcare regimen (his feet are great considering he has almost 600 miles on them).
9. Have lots of ice in your cooler. He gets pretty excited for ice cold drinks
10. He likes to know that whomever is meeting him, picking him up and dropping him off is seamless. He does to like to wait or wonder who will do what to get him to his sleeping arrangement and how he will get back to his starting position in the morning. Reassure him of plans.
11. Laz liked a full 7 hours of sleep and works hard to ensure that happens. He likes to be done walking by 7pm.
12. If you host him easy food that you like that can be ready for eating so he can crash fast is also something he appreciates – again cucumber and sweet potatoes are used to fatten farm animals ?
13. If Laz leans over as the picture below depicts…everyone follows suit. Laz doesnt want cars stopping to ask “if that guy is ok?” See photo below

I have probably missed some stuff so please add on for others down the road.
Laz is a wonderful man with amazing sarcasm and humour. It turns out we share a birthday!
Good luck and have the best experience possible – it’s one I will never forget.
Thank you to all my new Buffalo friends that made the journey so great!

Categories: LazCon Others