very brief,
i have to get back to the rock to catch john clarke’s third place finish.
gathering my gear for what could turn into a verrrrrry long stretch.

off and on rain all day.
some got hit with torrents
others danced around it.

it was a lot tougher between rains
as the sun came out
and billows of steam engulfed you
(i know, i went out and did my miles today!)
it was HOT!

we had a long gap between 2nd and 3rd
but thomas faded on the home stretch
and john closed the gap.
not sure we will get time to come back down until sunday…

but god i hope so.
if you look at check ins tonight
you will see what is in store for us.

pray for some big gaps in the field to form.
at this morning’s check in there was nothing more than 3 miles between after the next two runners,.


Categories: HOTS