the day begins as a lightening of the sky.
then a slight pink appears along the eastern horizon.
with surprising speed the first twinkle of the yellow ball of fire pierces the darkness.
the light reveals a shambling, sorry lot
following the endless white line.
bleary eyed, sunburnt.
some have attempted washing their clothes in a sink
the result is less than perfect.
others have turned into topo maps of salt lines and sweat stains.
when you carry all your possessions with you
you do not have an extensive wardrobe.
limping, leaning, hobbling they move ever onward
ever eastward.
the rock.
they must reach this thing called the rock.
memories of what it is have grown dim.
but it is their destination.
at kimball the runners must pick up a tracker for their final miles.
14 of them.
some call them the longest miles.
reactions vary.
some surge forward,
the call of the rock growing stronger with every step.
others slowly fold in on themselves.
as if their body thinks it is already done
and wants to stop now.
they pass under the interstate
cross the blue bridge
negotiate the no hope rollercoaster
cross the railroad tracks.
each landmark earned.
and finally they make the turn.
the turn.
up sand mountain.
long and steep
a cruel joke
sapping what little life remains in those tired legs.
then comes cheesegrater road.
awakening the pain of battered feet.
an endless stretch of rolling hills
that were not even noticed on that bus ride.
the bus they boarded a lifetime ago.
fresh faced and innocent.
those who return on foot have faced down the monsters of pain
overcome the darkness of despair
and done more than they knew they could do..
the walk through the fields and forests of castle rock
is a time for reflection.
a chance to relish for a few more minutes
the freedom of living on the open road.
for all the horrible price it extracts
life has never been so straightforward and simple.
survive and move
move and survive.
find food, find drink
sleep where you can.
the endless miles stretch out behind them.
how could they have possibly come this far?
one step at a time.
even with the task almost complete
it seems impossible.
a herculean feat
that surely could only be done by superhumans.
yet they know they are only human.
flesh and blood.
and now they have found something else deep down inside.
the will to achieve mighty things
even tho it is hard.
even when it hurts
even if it is impossible.
their world will never be quite the same.
five days are in the bank.
one in three have surrendered.
more will follow suit.
it never gets easier.
and for those who are only halfway.
the struggle has just begun.

Categories: Vols2024